With our much-improved All Posts widget, making blog posts more attractive and enticing is easy. The updates include new layouts and greater text and image control giving you better flexibility over how posts appear to your site visitors.
Draw additional attention to your posts by customizing images by size specific to each device and with hover effects.
With more control over the text in your posts, you can style each page exactly how you want it making it even easier to attract your site visitors’ attention. Now every text element is at your command including blog titles, post titles, post descriptions and the name of your author.
Our updated All Posts Widget now features four customizable layouts. Choose the number of posts you want to display to your site visitors and the number of descriptive lines you want with each post. You can even add rounded corners to each of your posts and give them textures by adding a drop shadow.
Take advantage of all your blog has to offer by
Enjoy the New Updates & Start Boosting Blog Traffic & Visitor Engagement!
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