New Fonts Update!

December 2, 2019

Now You Have 14 More Ways to Style Your Website.

As if our font library wasn't broad enough, we've gone ahead and added a little over a dozen new fonts to help unleash the designer in you. 

These new fonts include both serif and san serif fonts giving you more options for site titles and buttons and a few more serious fonts for those #AllWorkNoPlay moments and work best for paragraphs and bullets. 

As always, our new fonts can be found within our Global Text Editor where you can update your entire website in one-click. Once you've found the right look for your website, simply click the "Republish" button, and your website will refresh in moments with your new updates. 

Tips to Using Fonts Wisely

  • Unless you're an experienced designer, we recommend using no more than two or three fonts to style and design your website. Too many fonts can cause unintended distractions, lack of harmony on your website, and typically results in an unattractive presentation. Trust us, your site visitors will appreciate the consistency and order of your site content. 
  • If you're going for a more serious look, choose serif fonts. Their little feet or "curly-cues" attached to the ends of each letter makes for a more traditional and formal presentation. 
  • For those moments when you're feeling more #Chill, go with san serif fonts which create a more modern, laid-back feel. These types of fonts are typically easier to read and make the most impact on buttons, titles and short lines of text which can be bolded for an even more organized workflow like the "Tips to Using Fonts Wisely" above. (See what we did there?) 
  • Note for beginners and the design-inept fellas: This is the time to use those eccentric fonts to draw attention to your text. 
  • Above all else, make sure fonts are easy to read. A good guide for paragraphs is to go with a font size of 16px to 22px. Titles should range from 40px to 100px with the larger fonts found on the more important header tags.
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